2nd Summer Edition

Repositioning your Social Enterprise for new realities: Strategy and impact measurement workshop
July 16, 2020

Social enterprises need to run a good business while also finding ways to have a positive impact on people and the environment. With the long-term impact of the current crisis on global economies yet to be understood, these enterprises are more likely to suffer after the lockdown due to severe constraints to their operations or even bankruptcy. What will this mean for social enterprises in African countries and how do you prepare your organization for this potentially new reality?

This virtual workshop enabled social entrepreneurs to reflect on their strategies and the impact they make. The aim was to work on adaptive approaches and to explore better ways of measuring and reporting impact, necessary to compete for social investments. It drew on expert knowledge from academics and practitioners, who had experience of social enterprises and impact investment around the world. You can view this year’s list of speakers and facilitators here.

Participants benefitted from:

  • A panel session on the potential impact of the pandemic on social enterprises globally and locally now and in the future
  • A reflective session to help articulate and adapt their organizational strategies, as necessary
  • A unique and tailored way of measuring and reporting impact to attract funding
  • A practical hands-on tool to help align their strategy with impact measurement